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Question bank for LinkedIn Product Management Interviews: a list of Product Manager Interview questions asked at LinkedIn

Build quality products

  • What is your favorite product and how would you improve it? Or some variation of this that is a follow up to your writing sample.

  • What would you change in LinkedIn’s onboarding process?

  • Pick an non-technical product you use. Why do you like it and why don't you like it? How will you improve it.

  • How could you improve Linkedin?

Take initiative and get stuff done

  • Tell me about yourself

  • Tell about a project you worked on and what was the impact?

  • You are the PM of an app that is doing well in the English market. The CEO wants take the product to the Brazilian market. What would you do to ensure that launching in that market would be successful?

Strong communicator, collaborator, and leader

  • Why product management?

  • Why LinkedIn?

  • What is something I should know that we haven’t talked about?

  • How would explain LinkedIn to your grandma?

Mission-driven, ecosystem thinker

  • What is a feature in LinkedIn ecosystem that if you were remove it, LinkedIn wouldn’t work as a product?

  • What criteria are used to determine the order of posts on the newsfeed?

  • You are the PM of an app that is doing well in the English market. The CEO wants take the product to the Brazilian market. What would you do to ensure that launching in that market would be successful?

General Behaviorals

  • Why do you want to do product management?


  • Few years ago Facebook used to restrict user signups with .edu emails only. Why did they remove that restriction and what were the pros & cons of doing so?

  • Ubereats is stealing marketshare of Doordash, what would you do?

  • CEO has an idea to allow anonymous posting on LinkedIn and ask you for recommendation whether to build it. What do you say?

  • The number of connection requests sent in the UK went down 10% month-over-month. What do you think happened? What would you do if you were the PM in charge here?

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Prepping for LinkedIn